Monday, May 17, 2004

Conversation Starters, (Or, "Conversation, for Starters")

I've seen books on conversation starters, ways to bring about the miracle of human discussion with a few pointed questions. I've usually seen them as tools for teachers or people involved with youth ministry. Without commenting on the usefulness of such devices, the existence of such published materials points us towards a couple of propositions, true or false. First, we may surmise that the publishers are reacting to a sort of felt need...conversation. Conversation is the most basic human connection possible, introducing us to the possibility that other people, maybe a little like us, exist. Somehow, that idea is inherently helpful to us, offers a little hope. Elvis sang, "a little less conversation, a little more action", but sometimes I want just the opposite, a little more conversation seems to me like a good thing.

Secondly, at least some people view conversation as part of the learning process. Fair enough, sometimes I don't really know what I think until I try to express it. Editing isn't a process of writing to me, it's a process of thinking. I have to let myself think out loud, then hear it and edit what I'm saying to something a little more coherent. Oh, the poor thoughts I've let fly in the first parts of conversations, before the editor even gets a shot to start working! Conversation additionally lets other people into the editors chair with me, opens up my perspective, and allows me to be challenged, confronted, or affirmed. That ain't so bad.

Here, I want to open up some conversations, gain some new people to talk too, have a little fun. I want to think here, grow here. And I want to invite you to do the same. So come on over, from time to time, and pull up a chair. Let's talk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vistited this blog by chance. Like the idea. Hope to come back soon. I'm Soul and I write in english and spanish. sometimes i speak out loud and I find I say more interesting things than when i write. somewhow i should have a cassette recorder near me to do the job. but i always forget... :) anyway, what subjects would you like to discuss about? social (e.i)? :X

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