Monday, October 24, 2005

Living in a HUT

This past weekend we took some of our 8th and 9th grade kids (and lots of parents!) to HUT, on a retreat oriented around being conscious of poverty issues around the world. HUT is a mock global village, with living environments from southeast Asia, Latin America, Haiti, Appalacian America, and East Africa. The retreat basically involves a lot of situational role play, and experience in different kinds of work projects.

For the most part, it is amazing how unaware of both our wwealth and of global poverty. It's impossible to get into our American heads how extremely different our situation is from the rest of the world around us. The way we define things like "adequate" and "comfortable" is somewhat ridiculous. I can't even put this thought in concrete examples, becaues it sounds silly to say things like "I think that soft couches are important for me, but really it is nice to have a house.

HUT is kind of a silly thing because it tries to simulate things that are so out of our minds that we can't really even process them. It's not even really just a matter of selfishness (though it's pretty close) but just a matter of understanding reality. I really am blind to world poverty. I can't see it, can't process it as reality.

Okay, I've got to go, but There's more about this to come.


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Consider yourself now thoroughly spammed...

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