Thursday, June 09, 2005


Alright, one of our students led our devo last night, and called my attention to the well known passage in I timothy 5 about greed and the love of money. Besides the well known part about the love of money being the root of all kinds of evil, there's a really powerful phrase about people eager for money piercing themselves with many griefs.

Piercing themselves with many griefs.


Keith Brenton said...


Reading that on the tails of hearing an NPR story about people who cut themselves to relieve the "pain" they're feeling inside their heads and hearts.


Too many parallels.


Anonymous said...

Steven!!!! disc golf was soo much fun

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter and i were wondering if you know all the people from our church who got baptised.

Anonymous said...

X-box is the best.
Sorry about "Moulin Blue"
I'll repay my debt.

From now on I think I'll comment in haikus.

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